Category Archives: December Daily

Updates and Crafting thoughts.

I’m working on lots of projects right now:

  • December Daily
  • Project Disney
  • Christmas Cards
  • Holiday Gift Card Sets
  • Regular Scrapbook Pages
  • Project Life 2012?

Well December Daily is sadly far behind. I did great for days 1 and 2. I have journaling done for 3, 4, and 5. Since the 5th I haven’t sat at my desk. I just haven’t had the inspiration. *even though I received 3 new Lawn Fawn stamp sets* I think even if I don’t work on it now I’m going to try to keep some notes and take photos and work on the project later. So I might not finish until February, but that’s okay with me.

Project Disney is finally going to be moving somewhere. I had been waiting and waiting for the new Clementine Kit on Wednesday night.  It should be here Monday and I’m going to start putting it together. (even though I’ve lost all my notes somewhere)  I also ordered the cardstock pack so I can die cut some shapes to go on the filler cards. (I even bought about 30 shapes from the Silhouette store for the project)

Christmas Cards are mostly finished…well 10 of them are ready to send out I just need to get some stamps. I need to get a few more addresses and assemble  the rest, but they will be sent out before Christmas.

I had the idea to make several 24 card gift sets to give to several people as Christmas gifts. I haven’t even started on them. I know I can pull a few from my stock of cards I’ve already made, but I need to make quite a few more, but as I mentioned in my December Daily update I’m just not feeling inspired when sitting at my desk.

This lack of inspiration has rolled over into my scrapbook pages. I don’t remember the last layout I made. I know I’ve made a few cards, but no new layouts. Maybe I’m becoming a card maker and less of a scrapbooker.  Part of me is at a cross roads. How many layouts do I really need about my fairly boring life right now. I’m sure in the future I’ll have moments I’ll want to capture and remember, but right now I’m just not feeling scrap worthy. So I’m going to be okay that all the photos I’ve printed, papers I’ve bought, and stuff I’ve collected will be used, but just not today.

If you  just read the last paragraph you’re probably wondering why would she consider Project Life if she feels her life is so not scrap worthy. Well I would do it more like a highlight certain days and events. It would also be a digital project. (que the gasp sound) It would be a Shutterfly book so don’t go thinking I’m finally going to buy and learn to use Photoshop in anyway. I don’t have plans to right now, but if the software arrived and a class to learn it I would be cool with that. But it would need to be an idiot class. I went to my tech support husband when the mute button on my new laptop was asking funny. I really have zero computer skills even though I was raised around them and had the internet most of my life. (back when not everyone had a computer and the internet)

Well if you’re still reading this. Thanks for sticking around. Thank you for reading and happy crafting! ❤ Ann

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Filed under December Daily, Project Disney

December Daily: Intro and Day 1

I’m keeping my supply list simple for this adventure. It’s my first December Daily and I really want to complete it. I’m using Simple Stories paper, Red, Green, and Black Twinery Twine, buttons, stamps, and some die cuts. My pages are 4.5×6 (so I have binding room) I might even have some horizontal pages, but I’m such a vertical person I’m not sure. which is why the cover will be done last. so I can make it 6×6 or 4.5×6.

I’m going to be posting photos and scans of the pages; as I won’t be printing photos until the 25th as I don’t currently have a photo printer at home.

The intro page didn’t occur to me until today. I love it. I used Studio AE stamps…last February and The November set. I used Jenni Bowlin inks (Brown Sugar, Chili Powder, and Seed Packet) I then added a 2×3 card from Simple Stories.   The top which seems to cut off has the same “capturing the moments” as at the bottom.  Feel free to ignore the fact that I can not stamp a straight line.

Day 1:

Is a photo of the Christmas tree I put up and decorated today. On the upper right side I’ll add a 1 sticker.  The font for the journaling is LD Dainty that I bought from the Silhouette store over the weekend during their sale.  The journaling reads:

Our tree went up on December 1st. My plan was to surprise David and have it up for him that morning, but a box went missing. Without the lights tree isn’t much of anything. It was dark and cold out so I didn’t want to go hunt it down. So first thing this morning I went out and of course it’s the very top box. It was no trouble though; I got the tree up and decorated in an hour this morning. I decided to keep the tree simple this year. I put on the ornaments that meant something, our annual Disney ornaments, Hallmark collection, and my Disney snowmen. I also cut the number of extra lights down by 1/2. I love a nice simple tree every now and then, but the sad part is my tree is still topless. I found a tree topper we bought last year, but we didn’t love, but I couldn’t get the thing to stay on top of the tree so I just put it back in the box, hoping we can find a topper we love.

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Filed under December Daily, stamping

December Daily: The Papers

I am doing December Daily this year. I swear I am…even if it turns into a My Favorite Ornaments book. (which I’m pretty sure it will) Well that big scrapbook chain store I’m not a fan of ran a huge patterned paper sale yesterday and I went..because who can say no to 43% off paper. I hadn’t really bought any paper since June.  So I stocked up on some of my favorite Summer CHA releases…how can they not sell Studio Calico.   Anyway…so I picked up some of the paper I want to use…I forgot 1 sheet, but I’ll look for it online when I purchase the Studio Calico I dream of having.  The 3rd one is i the sheet I’m missing. I plan to have 2 sheets of each although I have 4 sheets of the vertical, but that could come in handy. I’m thinking about adding a sheet of the 2×3 cards and matting them on cardstock for some variety, but haven’t fully decided that. My pages will be 4×6 and will be vertical or horizontal depending on the photo. Then when it’s all done I’ll punch holes and create a 6×6 book. I’m starting to look forward to this. Now that I have paper and a plan is being devised. Just have to figure out how to date all the days…thinking about picking up the numbers sticker sheet as well.   Thanks for reading and happy crafting!



Filed under December Daily

December Daily…too early?

For the past few years I’ve seen Ali Edwards do her December Daily album and looked at others. Every year I say I’m going to do it. Last year I really thought about it, but never did. This year however I have a plan of attack. It’s going to be super simple. It’s going to be in a 6×6 album…and before anyone’s jaw drops that I’m doing a square album..I’m not. I’m going to be doing 4×6 photos with a 4×6 page with it (a piece of 25 days of Christmas from Simple Stories) and the 6×6 album is so the days can go both ways depending on the photo. I’m not sure how much journaling I’ll really have. Maybe a little bit about ornaments and other trinkets we put out every Christmas season, our Christmas wish lists, and family traditions. I’m sure I’ll find some days where a photo will just seem enough. Some days I’m sure I’ll struggle with finding something to share…luckily I’ve got plenty of special ornaments. So yes, my DD may turn into a minibook about my tree, but hopefully there will be more to share.

Is anyone else thinking about their December Daily album? Thanks for reading & happy crafting! ❤ Ann

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Filed under December Daily